In place machining tooling
In place machining tools
Prime Machine is fully equipped with field tooling capable of world class in place machining. Our skilled field machinists are experienced machining both large and small projects. We have laser measuring capability to insure machine placement and accuracy of the on site machining. Over 35 years of experience. Machinists and millwrights highly skilled in the work of machining in place. Excellent safety records. We have around the clock service with a complete weld fabrication and large machine shop to back up the field machinists.
Worlds largest portable lathe capable of machining 30 feet in diameter 60 feet in length and weights of 400,000 pounds.
Skilled field machinists using large flange facing machine on site at mine to face flange of ball mill.
Prime world class portable balancing machine capable of being either hard bearing or soft bearing machine for high tolerance balancing. Machine has adaptive tooling to make it a portable lathe.
Prime field machinists machining large shaft in place with clam shell machine.
Field machining large extrusion press on site with portable boring machine designed and built by Prime Machine.
Field machining tooling designed and built for a purpose to drill mill shell liner holes for quick repair on site mine.
Field grinding tire in place. Skilled craftsmen set and grind surface kiln tire.
Line boring crane boom fits with prime climax field machining bar.
Portable lathe designed built by Prime machine machining 80″x 400″ long mandrel.
Field machining gate bottom of dam with our milling machine and measuring flatness with faro arm.
Prime 50 ton crane installing Kaplin turbine rotor at the dam site.
measuring hydro electric turbine generator installation with laser tracker for accurate measurements.
Field boring upper fits engine block installing liners on site gas plant.
field machining on site of soul plates to bring back to flat and level.